Sandblast Jucunda
Oil Cured Finish


Ser Jacopo's Jucunda Sandblast finish. Enlarged for detail.

The “Jucunda” is a sandblasted Ser Jacopo pipe which has undergone a highly specialized oil curing process. The pipe is placed into a bath of beneficial oils which saturate the briar. Over several weeks, the bowls are placed on heated pegs which sweat out the absorbed oil and other impurities. When all the oil has been removed from the pipe, it is allowed to stand air cure until it is light to the touch and has a distinctive oil matte finish. Pipes which have been through this process have a distinctive nutty, rich flavor from the very first bowl. The Jucunda finish is applied only to sandblasted pipes, and are made in very limited quantities

Ser Jacopo Sandblasted Jucunda pipes are available in the following color stains:

 Black Sandblast

 Dark Brown Blast

 Brown Blast

 Tanshell Blast

Available only in the Normal production range.

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